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Spirits cover

This book was written to help you be aware of blindfolds that have been put on your eyes to keep you from seeing the demonic spirits that have been causing you problems. This book will bring awareness of these spirits and teach you how to walk in freedom from these spirits and to walk in the freedom that Jesus has already paid the price for.


John 8:36 so if the son sets you free,

you are free indeed.

About the Author:

     Fay is a Christian International ordained minister, with a degree in Biblical Studies, an intercessor, deliverance minister, and a prophet.  She and her husband lead the daily Christian International prayer meetings and lead the Prophetic Healing & Deliverance ministry at Christian International’s Headquarters Church: Vision Church.

     She is on staff at Christian International as the Director of the CI Vision Investment Partner program.  She and her husband also serve on the Prophetic Team and have a travelling ministry. Fay Velez is a wife and a mother of four beautiful children and four wonderful grandchildren.

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