Practical Spiritual Knowledge for Today and the Future
Books and Speaking Engagements

I am writing this from the viewpoint of what I have seen personally regarding God’s favor in my life. I have seen God move mountains on my behalf to make things go my way. God has brought me jobs that in the natural I was not qualified for, but because of His favor I got the job. People have just walked up and handed me money for no reason. I have been honored and accepted in places that in the natural that should not have happened.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 What is God’s favor 9
CHAPTER 2 What happens when we walk in God’s favor 19
CHAPTER 3 How do we activate God’s favor 29
CHAPTER 4 Ways to do warfare to keep God’s favor 37
CHAPTER 5 What do we need to do to walk in God’s favor 49
CHAPTER 6 Keys to receive God’s favor 59
CHAPTER 7 Example of God’s favor in the Bible. 63
CHAPTER 8 God’s favor brings a fresh anointing. 71
CHAPTER 9 Benefits of walking in God’s favor 77
CHAPTER 10 Importance of walking with God intimately. 89
CHAPTER 11 Reasons we do not walk in God’s favor 97
Contact Information. 107