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Part A-Bible Chapters 1:1 thru 3:22-Story of Evolution of the Church


Part B-Bible Chapters 4:1 to 6:17-In Heaven, God's Throne thru 6th Seal

Part C-Bible Chapters 7:1 thru 8:1-Story of 144,000 Servants of God, and Great Multitude in Heaven


Part D-Bible Chapters 8:2 thru 8:13-First 4 Trumpets

Part E-Bible Chapters 9:1 thru 9:21-The 5th and 6th Trumpet

Part F-Bible Chapters 10:1 thru 10:8-The 7 Thunders & the 7th Trumpet


Part G-Bible Chapter 11:1 thru 11:19-Story of the Two Witnesses


Part H-Bible Chapter 12-Story of Glorious Church, led by Holy Spirit

Part I-Bible Chapter 13:1 thru 13:10-Story of The Beast (Antichrist)

Part J-Bible Chapter 13:11-18-Story of False Prophet

Part K-Bible Chapter 14-Story of the Firstfruits, the First Reaping and the Second Reaping

Part L-Bible Chapters 15 & 16-Seven Last Plagues (Vials)

Part M-Bible Chapter 17-Story of Apostate church

Part N-Bible Chapter 18-Story of Judgment of Apostate church

Part O-Bible Chapter 19-Story of Jesus Coming at Armageddon

Part P-Bible Chapter 20-Story of Millennial Reign and Judgment Day

Part Q-Bible Chapters 21 & 22-Story of Eternal Kingdom

Part R-Salvation


APPENDIX 1-Scriptures Wrongly Interpreted to be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, & Other Scriptures

APPENDIX 2  Glossary of Terms & Symbols used Across Chapters


APPENDIX 4-Bibliography

Contact Information

The  Book of Revelation explained- My book is meant to be a ready reference book, to be easily used with your own Bible.  My book, as a reference book, retains the original Bible chapter and verse “addresses”, and each verse has its’ own explanation.  My book chapters also align themselves with the original short stories that make up the Book of Revelation.  Check out my book’s Table of Contents page, (accessed by the labeled button below).   In my book, all these items are actually hyper-linked from the Table of Contents. 


My book does not rely on any previous concepts, preconceived notions, philosophies, or teachings of others.  My book was built from the ground up, not from the top down, as do most other books on this subject, primarily repeating what others have said.


My book unravels much of the confusion and complication, by using an Integrated Master Schedule of Events. Much of the problem with understanding the book of revelation has come from the assumption that the book is written entirely, or almost entirely, in chronological order.   The Book of Revelation is not in chronological order.  Like Isaiah and Daniel, the Apostle John had several separate, independent visions received over a span of time, and those visions have been combined into one book.  Each vision was like a "short story."  Each story was usually about a single topic, event, or character. Much of the Book of Revelation is therefore actually a series of several separate short stories, many times overlapping each other. 


What is the Integrated Master Schedule of Events?

Sometimes, these different stories mention a recognizable event from another story, thereby identifying a common data or time point in the two different stories.  In this manner, these common data points between the stories aid in the construction of an Integrated Master Schedule of Events of all the stories combined, such as a “Gantt Chart”.  This shows the how these various stories relate to each other time-wise and character-wise, since they overlap each other.  This is a technique commonly used in engineering and project management.  This Gantt Chart has been sequenced into a sequential list format for clear reading at any amplification or screen size of any electronic device, and for easy understanding by non-engineers and non-management personnel.


My book contains a Glossary of Terms and Symbols (Appendix 2).  As a ready reference and to quickly sort out and identify the most significant events, characters and symbols which are likely to cause confusion, a summary definition of each these things is included in a Glossary Terms and Symbols.  Their Biblical references, and also Biblical cross-references for other simultaneous or other related events and other names for the same character or symbol, are listed.

My book is not based on Dispensations or a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.  As stated above, my book was built from the ground up, not from the top down, and did not presuppose a pre-tribulation rapture.  As such, the verse-by-verse explanations do not presuppose it either, and it turns out that it is not Biblically verified in the Book of Revelations, or elsewhere in the Bible.  Appendix 1 in my book includes all applicable references from throughout the Bible that most people use to identify a physical rapture of living human beings before Jesus Return.  Each of these references is also examined with full explanations: verse-by-verse.



This effort began in 1977, with continuous line-by-line, precept-by-precept teaching by Holy Ghost.  The Holy Bible is the foundation for my commentary, and the enlightenment of the scriptures was provided by the Holy Spirit.  This electronic version was last updated in 2018.    


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